Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Battle of Fort Niagara in the French and Indian War

Following his defeat at the  Battle of Carillon  in July 1758, Major General James Abercrombie was replaced as the British commander in North America that fall. To take over, London turned to  Major General Jeffery Amherst  who had recently  captured the French fortress of Louisbourg. For 1759 campaign season, Amherst established his headquarters below Lake Champlain and planned a drive against  Fort Carillon  (Ticonderoga) and north to the St. Lawrence River. As he advanced, Amherst intended for  Major General James Wolfe  to advance up the St. Lawrence to attack Quebec. To support these two thrusts, Amherst directed additional operations against the western forts of New France. For one of these, he ordered Brigadier General John Prideaux to take a force through western New York to assault Fort Niagara. Assembling at Schenectady, the core of Prideauxs command consisted of the 44th and 46th Regiments of Foot, two companies from the 60th (Royal Americans), and a company of Royal Artillery. A diligent officer, Prideaux worked to ensure the secrecy of his mission as he knew if the Native Americans learned of his destination it would be communicated to the French. Conflict Dates The Battle of Fort Niagara was fought July 6 to July 26, 1759, during the French Indian War (17654-1763). Armies Commanders at Fort Niagara British Brigadier General John PrideauxSir William Johnson3,945 men French Captain Pierre Pouchot486 men The French at Fort Niagara First occupied by the French in 1725, Fort Niagara had been improved during the course of the war and was situated on a rocky point at the mouth of the Niagara River. Guarded by a 900-ft. battlement that was anchored by three bastions, the fort was garrisoned by slightly less than 500 French regulars, militia, and Native Americans under the command of Captain Pierre Pouchot. Though Fort Niagaras eastward defenses were strong, no effort was made to fortify Montreal Point across the river. Though he had possessed a larger force earlier in the season, Pouchot had forwarded troops west believing his post safe. Advancing to Fort Niagara Departing in May with his regulars and a force of colonial militia, Prideaux was slowed by high waters on the Mohawk River. Despite these difficulties, he succeeded in reaching the ruins of Fort Oswego on June 27. Here he joined with a force of around 1,000 Iroquois warriors which had been recruited by Sir William Johnson. Holding a provincial colonels commission, Johnson was a noted colonial administrator with a specialty in Native American affairs and an experienced commander who had won the Battle of Lake George in 1755. Wishing to have a secure base in his rear, Prideaux ordered the destroyed fort to be rebuilt. Leaving a force under Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Haldimand to complete the construction, Prideaux and Johnson embarked in a fleet of boats and Bateaux and began rowing west along the south shore of Lake Ontario. Evading French naval forces, they landed on three miles from Fort Niagara at the mouth of Little Swamp River on July 6. Having achieved the element of surprise he desired, Prideaux had the boats portaged through the woods to a ravine south of the fort known as La Belle-Famille. Moving down the ravine to the Niagara River, his men began transporting artillery to the west bank. The Battle of Fort Niagara Begins: Moving his guns to Montreal Point, Prideaux began construction of a battery on July 7. The next day, other elements of his command began building siege lines opposite Fort Niagaras eastern defenses. As the British tightened the noose around the fort, Pouchot dispatched messengers south to Captain Franà §ois-Marie Le Marchand de Lignery asking him to bring a relief force to Niagara. Though he had refused a surrender demand from Prideaux, Pouchot was unable to keep his contingent of Niagara Seneca from negotiating with the British-allied Iroquois. These talks ultimately led to the Seneca leaving the fort under a flag of truce. As Prideauxs men pushed their siege lines closer, Pouchot anxiously awaited word of Lignerys approach. On July 17, the battery at Montreal Point was completed and British howitzers opened fire on the fort. Three days later, Prideaux was killed when one of the mortars burst and part of the exploding barrel struck his head. With the generals death, Johnson assumed command, though some of the regular officers, including the 44ths Lieutenant Colonel Eyre Massey, were initially resistant. No Relief for Fort Niagara: Before the dispute could be fully resolved, news arrived in the British camp that Lignery was approaching with 1,300-1,600 men. Marching out with 450 regulars, Massey reinforced a colonial force of around 100 and built an abatis barrier across the portage road at La Belle-Famille. Though Pouchot had advised Lignery to advance along the west bank, he insisted on using the portage road. On July 24, the relief column encountered Masseys force and around 600 Iroquois. Advancing on the abatis, Lignerys men were routed when British troops appeared on their flanks and opened with a devastating fire. As the French retreated in disarray they were set upon by the Iroquois who inflicted heavy losses. Among the multitude of French wounded was Lignery who was taken prisoner. Unaware of the fighting at La Belle-Famille, Pouchot continued his defense of Fort Niagara. Initially refusing to believe reports that Lignery had been defeated, he continued to resist. In an effort to convince the French commander, one of his officers was escorted into the British camp to meet with the wounded Lignery. Accepting the truth, Pouchot surrendered on July 26. The Aftermath of the Battle of Fort Niagara: In the Battle of Fort Niagara, the British sustained 239 killed and wounded while the French incurred 109 killed and wounded as well as 377 captured. Though he had wished to be allowed to depart for Montreal with the honors of war, Pouchot and his command were instead taken to Albany, NY as prisoners of war. The victory at Fort Niagara was the first of several for British forces in North America in 1759. As Johnson was securing Pouchots surrender, Amhersts forces to the east were taking Fort Carillon before advancing on Fort St. Frederic (Crown Point). The highlight of the campaign season came in September when Wolfes men won the Battle of Quebec.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Research Study On Stem Cells And Cloning - 977 Words

My Biology Report is going to Stem cells but in this report I am going to tell about strm cells and cloning but i am only briefly going to talk about it I will tell you facts pros and cons what is stem cells.And what it is period.But for cloniing i am just going to tell you what it is and what is bad about it. The term cloning accounts a number of different courses that can be used to produce genetically alike clones of a biological entity. The doubled material, which has the equal genetic makeup as the original, is referred to as a copy. Below i am going to tell ten things that are bad about cloning. 1.UNCERTAIN RESULTS:Even though us humans have made a lot of progress in the filed of cloning but we are stil not succesful we got stuff that we did not want to see. 2.SERIOUS IMPACT ON ECONOMY:Cloning is very expensive it requires techically sophisticated resources. 3. OVER-POPULATION AND PRESSURE ON NATURAL RESOURCES:If large-scale cloning is practiced, it will lead to massive population expanse. 4. LACK OF GENETIC DIVERSITY IN THE WORLD:The survival of humans on planet earth largely relies upon the genetic diversity within our species 5.IT WILL CONTRADICT THE RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL BELIEFS OF PEOPLE:All religious institutions hold up the belief that human cloning means mocking the role of God 6.IDENTITY CRISIS:If you have a clone of you existing somewhere in the world, or just next to you, it means your identity is threatened. 7.PROBLEM WITH SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE :A bigShow MoreRelatedStem Cells : A Type Of Cell1436 Words   |  6 PagesStem cells is a type of cell that can differentiate (alter, transform) and form different tissues in the body. This is a special capacity because the other cells can generally only be part of a specific tissue (for example skin cells can only constitute skin). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Baseball Research Paper Free Essays

On the research topic of major league baseball our goal is to research the dependence of salary, wins, and how many attend the games on an average. The issue is do salaries and overall team revenue based on wins or individual talent. Through research this question of is does the overall team salary depend on one more than the other. We will write a custom essay sample on Baseball Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Is one factor more important than the next. Also is whether the league national or American plays a role in the overall salary from the start not factoring in the statistics of the actual games played by the team.Through the research we know that fourteen out of the twenty nine teams are Amercian. Of those fourteen teams none of which have the most of wins. The team with the most wins is St. Louis. However on average the American have an overall higher win average. The New York Yankees of the American League has the most attendance. But this could be dependent of population of actual city and not the amount of wins. The New York Yankees also has the biggest sized stadium. Along with 229 home runs the most in the league.This team has a high performance rate. The next highest paid team by the millions is the Boston Red Socks. They are paid 123. 5 million dollars. This is also an American League team. They tie with wins with the Yankees at 95 wins. So there’s a problem with dependency among the 29 major league teams and how they get the team salary from the data. Through our research we will find the most impacting factors that end up making the final salaries by the million in major league baseball teams.But then if we move to Cleveland they only bring in 41 million to the team but they have 93 wins. There are a lot more teams making much more than them with far less wins like the Mets with 101. 3 million with only 83 wins or Detroit with 69 million and only 71 wins. So this shows that it cannot be fully depend on wins alone. Through our research the question of salary and its factors of dependency in major league baseball will be answered. How to cite Baseball Research Paper, Essays