Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Jewish Divorce Essay - 926 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Although changes have been made to Jewish divorce laws, women are continually being mistreated when dealing with the issues of divorce. In biblical times, there were no assurances that women would be protected when faced with a man who wanted a divorce. Furthermore, women were not allowed to initiate the process by asking for one. As time went on, it was recognized that women needed to be somewhat shielded from actions that her husband could take, which she had no control over. Rabbinic law made four major changes to help the plight of women regarding divorce (Biale p.5). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;First, the Halackah requires a Get (bill of divorcement), which limits the possibility of a rash, thoughtless†¦show more content†¦There have been many debates about this clause because the appropriate grounds for divorce are unclear. Some believe that a man can divorce a woman merely because he likes another one better (B. p.74). There is no safeguard against this because it is up to the man’s judgment. The requirements of the Ketubah and the Get may not convince the man to stay married. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The fact remains that on the one hand; a wife could not initiate a divorce without appealing to a Beit Din, and on the other hand may be divorced without her consent. The Talmud states â€Å"A woman may be divorced with her consent or without it†(B. 81). Rabbenu Gershom made a ruling that banned the divorcement of a woman without her consent. Although this is a positive legislation, a Beit Din has the power to revoke it when they deem necessary. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The most problematic law is that while it is not always necessary for a woman to consent to a divorce, â€Å"a man can give a divorce with only his full consent† (Yevamot 112b) (B. 97). It is then up to the courts and the community to try to convince him to give his wife a divorce. 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